Hradlestin (Indian Express) is a chain of restaurants that cater to a wide variety of Indian street food in and around Reykjavik. The Kiosk is located in the busy car park of Kolaportid's. The concept of creating a ‘meals on wheels’ restaurant was envisioned through my own experience of traveling in Indian Trains. This idea not only made the experience delightful, but also aided in bringing strangers together as they shared the meal. Whilst researching Reykjavik, I was fascinated that the infrastructure of the country doesn’t include railway facility. Therefore I wanted to bring the idea of dining in a train to Iceland; in a form of an Indian kiosk inside a recycled carriage of Palace on Wheels (a luxurious tourist train). The train will be imported from India. Several factors have been considered, such as heating, lighting, and rest- room facilities. I have considered insulating the train in order to provide a cordial atmosphere whilst being practical in the colder climate of Iceland. The branding and the interior design of Hradlestin is eclectic as I’ve used Indian colours with Scandinavian simplicity. Through my design I have aimed to bring the two cultures together in one place.