E LITERATURE EXHIBITION Bournemouth was known for its literary associations especially in the late 19th and early 20th century. The recent advances in technology has not only made Bournemouth a technical hub of innovations but has revived the yesteryear literary culture; looking to add a digital dimension towards its image. The aim of the cultural revival exhibition is to create a brand that promotes and emphasizes Bournemouth’s rich cultural heritage and showcases it in the new digital age. The E literature exhibition will create a digital hub for the local poets, writers, novelists. The exhibition consists of three bases that are connected together within the space. THE POETRY base Kinetic poetry- A type of abstract digital poetry where the words on the screen move depending on the movement of its effect. It brings movement and therefore facilitates our understanding of the poem. The poetry base introduces the viewers to digital poetry. The base will be based under the bridge; allowing a very private connection with the literary culture. The design was inspired by the art of movement and kinetic architecture. I wanted the exterior of the base to capture movement even though it was static. The exterior movement would represent the physical movement of the floor on the inside. The Kinetic floor will move in motion with the poetry. 
EXQUISITE CORPSE The design of the exquisite corpse base is inspired by the traditional aspect of folding the paper before passing the game along. The design captures the folds of the game. How will the game work digitally? Computer generates the first line of the story and makes it available to only one of the participants. The first participants types there part of the story in their touch screen pad. Once they have finished writing it becomes available to the next participant. - Once everyone has finished writing; the collaborated story appears on the screen in front. CHATTERBOX A chatterbox or a chatterbot is a computer program which conducts a conversation via textual methods to engage a viewer in small talk. The realistic nature of the conversation makes the viewers to believe that their conversational partner is also a human. Inspired by chatterboxes (origami paper fortune tellers) that I used to play with when I was young. Chatterbox room allows the participants to have a conversation with a chatterbot. It’s fun and interactive just like the traditional game.